Well, this is exciting, my first entry!! I hope people like the website. I'm gonna try to keep this little corner of the web as like a journal and just write about what's new and exciting in my life.
    Right now I'm at an interesting point, as I'm about to be taking off cross country and this coincides with a lot of what I'm doing with my music, and I'll be doing a few shows along the way too. I'm basically living out of a computer bag at the moment which is weird but I'm starting to get used to it, haha. I've managed to condense my studio down to just an iBook, an Inspiron laptop, a mixer, an interface, and a crappy mic, which somehow all fits into a single bag (a heavy one, albeit!)
    I'm also happy cuz I splurged and got pretty racing decals with butterflies and music notes for my Honda, which I'll be taking cross country. The way I see it, if I'm gonna travel, might as well do it in style!! :-P
    Well, this has been mostly a letter full of intentions, and hopefully I'll remember to keep writing once I put them into action! I think I'm looking forward to sharing more stuff here :-D

Keep chasing your dreams,
XOXO, Nicole

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